Sunday, June 27, 2010

Super Sunday

Another 2 pounds are gone! :-) Which is super!! As of this morning I weigh 125. This is a total of 5 lbs lost. I was quite surpised since the past couple of days have been REALLY busy and I haven't had much time to exericse or even think about eating as healthy as I should. Friday was crazy with work and school and getting things ready for Saturday. I spent most of Saturday doing wedding for a good friends that got married last night. But thankfully I got through the weekend and didn't do too much damage!

I want to share a website that I found that is really cool. It is set up to help subscribers form any habit they choose. It's called HabitForge and it works by sending you a daily email where you say if you were successful or not that day in forming your chosen habit. If you click no it sets you back to day 1, and if you are successful you go from day 1 - 21 and you have formed a new habit. I'm going to sign up, but I haven't decided what I want my new habit to be. Here's the link.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and looking forward to a great week! Stay fit!

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