Thursday, July 1, 2010

Detox Diets

Detox and fad diets just make me mad. All of the fad diets/detoxes out there that claim to get rid of excess weight in no time flat are just ridiculous. There is no real scientific research to back up the claims that they make, nor is any weight loss attained sustainable. Even worse, these are the most unhealthy way to lose weight that anyone could choose. Detoxes that "clease" the system of toxins and require the user to drastically restrict their diet and/or use a supplement to aid the "cleansing" do more harm than good. Fad diets also restrict the diet or eliminate certain essential food groups, which is not good. Also, the weight that is lost this way is usually not fat, but mostly water and muscle. This is not a sustainable way to lose weight, because most diets like this are short-term, as well as addicting if done for too long. As soon as the user goes back to eating normally, all of the weight lost comes right back, and maybe even plus some. This is why I know that the best way to lose weight is to eat a healthy and balanced diet including all the necessary food groups. This means that I eat a balance of carbs, proteins, and healthy fats from a combination of sources such as fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole wheat breads and other foods. I try to limit my excess sugar, salt and calories because too much of any of those equals weight gain. If I want to do a "cleanse" of any sort, I make sure to up my fiber intake, and also my water intake. Both of these are natural ways to clean out the body, and they are sustainable and not damaging to my body. I believe that it is much better to lose weight the healthy way, a few pounds at a time, than to go on some crazy diet that is going to harm you or not continue in the long run. My personal goal is to have sustainable-in-the-long-run eating habits so that I can be healthy for life. I know that by cutting calories I can lose weight, and once I have attained that weight loss I can adjust my calories up to a level to maintain my weight. I know that it can be tempting when I am not seeing the results I want to fall into one of these diet traps, but I also usually know why I'm not seeing results, whether it be because I'm not eating right or not exercising enough. Even though the bad dieting can look like a good option at times, being healthy is by far the best way to live.

Stay fit!

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