Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tryin to keep up...

I have been trying to keep up with exercising and eating right, but I am not doing so well with that. I have been having trouble eating because of some nausea (not too bad, thank goodness). I don't really want anything to eat, and when I do eat something, I don't eat much. Exercising is a problem when I don't eat enough because I haven't taken in the calories to support any extra activity. I did attempt to go for a run with my sister-in-law last week. That didn't work too good, I thought I was gonna throw up halfway through. I estimate I did get about a mile of running in, and I walked the other mile, for a total of 2 miles. I felt awful afterwards though, so I need to do something different next time. I won't be pushing myself so hard, and I will make sure that I have eaten enough that day so that I won't feel so bad. I am going to try and go for at least a short walk each day so that I can stay active as much as possible. The doctor cleared me for running, but I don't know if I'll feel up to that anymore until I feel better. That remains to be seen....

Have a great Tuesday! Stay fit!

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