Thursday, August 4, 2011

Quick Update

Just wanted to post quickly about my absence the last few days.

I know that I said I was starting to exercise and eat well, but I got knocked off course by some sort of illness. I have no idea what it is, but it is TERRIBLE! On Sunday night and Monday night, Little Man was up EVERY. HOUR. It was brutal. And he really hasn't been sleeping very well lately anyway, so that was just icing on the cake. To top it all off, I've been trying to quit caffeine, which I started on Tuesday.

About midday Tuesday I started with this horrible headache. I figured it was just the lack of caffeine. By Tuesday evening, it felt like someone was stabbing me violently. Then Tuesday night, Little Man slept a little better, he was only up at 1:30 and 5:30. So on Wednesday, I went to work, but I felt like you do when you have the flu- body aches and a massive headache (no fever or head crud though, so not the flu). I took an 800 mg Motrin (the strongest pain killer I can take while still nursing my son) on th way in. It helped a bit, but by the middle of the day, the headache was back, and worse than ever, and the body aches were back, and I started to get the chills. The Motrin can only be taken every 8 hours, so it was nowhere near time to take it again. I finally just told my boss I had to go, and came right home. I picked up Little Man, and called my mom on the way home, and she came over so I could get some sleep. I slept for about 2 1/2 hours, until the hubby came home, then ate dinner, took another Motrin and went back to bed. Then, Little Man slept ALL NIGHT! THANK GOD!! I got a full night's sleep, for once! It definitely helped, but I still didn't feel 100%. So I got up this morning, took another Motrin and went to work. I still had the headache, but the body aches were much less, mostly just a neck ache left, and the chills were less but still there. I was good once I got to work except for the occassional stabbing in my head. Once the Motrin wore off again, the symptoms came back, but another pill (taken a little early so I could get through the rest of the work day) made them go away. I got home and have taken another one, and I'm going to bed. Hopefully Little Man will sleep all night again (fingers crossed!!) and I can feel a little better tomorrow, and maybe need less Motrin.

I have no idea what I have (or if I have anything other than sleep deprivation and caffeine deprivation), but it sucks. I will get back on track once I feel better, I promise!

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