Saturday, September 1, 2012

House Cleaning and Sports Playing

Whew! What a day....

This was me today. It was time for house cleaning!! After running some errands first thing this morning, me and little man (but mostly me) spent the day cleaning the house. Picking up, scrubbing, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, putting up clothes, straightening up and all that good stuff.

According to one of my favorite calorie-burn calculators, I most likely burned upwards of 400-500 calories today! Which is a good thing, because I have no energy left to exercise :-)

We took a break from cleaning to go outside and play football and basketball with our friends in the cul-de-sac.

My little man is on the left, with his friend and his friend's dad.

Of course, I helped to chase the ball around when it got away from him, so got some more activity in with that.

How about food?
Breakfast: Fiber One Nutty Clusters & Almonds cereal
No morning snack since we got up late and therefore ate breakfast late :-)
Lunch: Subway 6" bacon, egg and cheese flat bread sandwich., Dr. Pepper
Afternoon snack: hummus and pretzel crisps
Dinner: rotisserie chicken and potato casserole (yum! My favorite!!)

How did your Saturday go?

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