Thursday, June 2, 2011

7 Ways to Make Your Weekend Healthier

Yay - It's almost the weekend!! I know I'm looking forward to a couple days of R&R, and I'm sure you are as well! As much as I want to rest and relax, I also want my weekend to be healthy and fit, and not ruin all the good things I accomplished during the week. So I've come up with a "Top 7" list of ways to enjoy my weekend and be healthy at the same time :-)

1. Go for a long walk with the hubby, baby, and maybe even the dogs. This is a great way to have some family time and get a little exercise in at the same time. I may have to drag the hubby along, but the baby and dogs love going for walks, so it'll be a treat for them.
2. Clean the house. Cleaning burns serious calories, people! I only wish it made cleaning more!
3. Go out to eat and have a delicious and healthy meal. I'm thinking something like salmon (yummy and good-for-you) and a sweet potato (okay I may have a little butter and cinnamon on it....the cinnamon is good-for-you ;-) )  or steamed veggies or something like that.
4. Avoid being a couch potato. I have a bad habit of plopping myself on the couch all weekend. :-/ Cleaning the house and going for a walk will help with this, but I will still need to keep my butt off that couch. I can probably help my hubby with one of his many projects, play in the floor with the baby, or take the baby outside to play.
5. Play with the dogs. I'm sure they would appreciate the attention....they probably feel a little neglected lately, since the baby, it keeps me moving.
6. Hang out with friends and family. Studies have shown that social connections make people happy. When I'm happy, I find it easier to be healthy. I also find that I try harder to be healthy and fit, and that I want to instead of forcing myself to do it.
7. Relax. Making sure to relax and recover from the week is key to being healthy. High stress levels make it more difficult to lose weight and be healthy. Also, good decision making is hard when you're super stressed. Your metabolism is also negatively affected by stress. So sleeping and relaxing is very important in having a healthy and fit weekend. I may take in a movie or an episode or two of NCIS (my fave!)...or maybe just play on facebook/twitter/blogger :-) Oh, and I will most certainly be sleeping in!!

What do you think of my list? What ways do you use? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great weekend, and stay fit!


  1. Great ideas!!!!
    The list is great...although the colors makes it a little difficult to read.

  2. Sounds like a healthy & cost-friendly way to spend the weekend.

  3. Thanks for the input! I'll change the colors back...I was trying to make it visually interesting!

  4. I wish my dog was in Ottawa!! (He lives with my parents).

    Cleaning the house brings a strange amount of satisfaction to my life!

    Totally agree with everything on your list! Day 2 down.

  5. Great list! I really struggle to stay healthy on the weekends.

  6. Great list! I could combine #2 and #4 and definitely improve my day today!! (found you via the SITS challenge)

  7. Awesome! Glad my list is helpful!!

  8. All of these ideas are wonderful. I can be a bit of a couch potato myself but I am working on this.

    Following you from SITS!
