Friday, August 24, 2012

Snack Day

Hi and Happy Friday! I don't know about you, but I am GLAD it is finally the weekend.

Today was a rough day in the fitness department. I did start out the day in a great way by doing some yoga first thing this morning. However, it was a Snack Day at work and folks brought in everything from donuts to chips to pizza! It was yummy.....and super duper bad for me!! I felt terrible after eating snacks all day and pizza for lunch. Luckily, I also was able to go for a walk on my lunch break with a friend so that helped me feel less like a cow :-)

Once I got home and got little man settled down, I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and then did a strength training circuit 3 times. I think I made up for some of the bad eating I did, but definitely not all of it.

I have learned my lesson though: next time indulge in just a little and maybe contribute something healthy like crackers and hummus so that there is something better for me, and others, to snack on. And only 1 piece of pizza....

Tomorrow should be a big day for me. I plan on trying to go for a mileage record run.....I'm shooting for 6 miles! The longest I have run before is 5.5 miles as one time so I know it'll be hard!! I recently got a Garmin running watch that has significantly helped to keep track of how I'm running, while I'm running. It is much more accurate than the run tracker app I was using on my phone. I'll post after my run so we can see how I did!!

What are your fitness plans for the weekend?

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